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There are two common types of written work in high school: essays and abstracts.

2 years 7 months ago #673 by AmberEvans
The abstract is usually quite dull, containing severe excerpts of a stern selection of literature on a particular topic. You need them to get to the essence of the book/article/whole of a particular topic. Essays are something funnier. Is paperhelp legit ? Here, too, you need to reflect the essence of the book/article/topic, but in an essay you are expected not only to retell other people's thoughts, but also how you have understood it yourself => expression of your own position. The danger for any essay/resume is water.On the one hand, it is understandable in the case when there are strict volume requirements. On the other hand, teachers either look the essay through their fingers, or don't like it => the work will be perceived as weak => the grade won't be good. Over the years of undergraduate and graduate school, I never learned how to pour "water," so my essays rarely exceed 5-6 pages. And sometimes it went against the requirements (there are zealots who want 10+ pages, well...)!Here's a tip: A succinct but structured and interestingly worded text is forgiven for anything :DBecause the most important thing is the quality of the work done!Teachers (me too!) have developed the skill not only of reading diagonally, but a certain ... let's call it a "set of components" by which to evaluate the written work. Don't forget that everything is always very subjective!In all of the writing you will encounter at the high school, there is a certain universal three-part structure that should be followed: 1) Introduction - justification for the choice of topic, statement of the problem (optionally - description of the problem situation), introduction of key concepts, outlining the structure of the further text; 2) Main part - logical argumentation related to consideration of the problem indicated in the introduction with the help of introduced concepts (and references to authors and key works related to them). There may also be descriptions of cases that are used as examples to support the validity of your judgments. Sometimes the point of the main body of the text is to reveal the content of another text that you are "abstracting"; 3) Conclusion - "Summarizing all of the above..." - formulate conclusions based on the arguments from the main part, relate them to the topic and the formulation of the problem (whether you gave an answer to the question, which was laid down in the formulation of the problem). In some cases, here prescribe "for the future", i.e. some new unresolved questions or reflections on the direction in which research on the considered topic will move.

Related Resources:
Rules for writing essays
Checking the essay
Essay - what is it, how to write, essay essays, examples

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2 years 7 months ago - 2 years 7 months ago #680 by jamesthomas
When I revealed all the students’ tricks and how they manage to find a balance between studying and personal life, I understood that a rare straight A-student does everything themselves. In most cases, they turn to specialized services to get high grades. Everyone is cheating there.
Last edit: 2 years 7 months ago by jamesthomas.

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